Main Page
Welcome to the uPlexa Knowledgebase
uPlexa (UPX) is an anonymous peer-to-peer electronic payment system powered by the billions of IoT devices within our world.
Getting started
- What is uPlexa?
- Steadfast Storm Release information (Masternodes, VPNs, Instant transactions, and more)
- Whitepaper
- Setting up uPlexa Wallets
- Troubleshooting uPlexa Wallets
- Anonymous Contributors
eCommerce & Merchants Integration
- List of Merchants Accepting uPlexa
- WooCommerce/Wordpress Payment Gateway for UPX
- Magento Payment Gateway for UPX
- PrestaShop Payment Gateway for UPX
- OpenCart Payment Gateway for UPX
- WHMCS Payment Gateway for UPX
IoT CPU Miners
Desktop CPU Miners
Desktop GPU Miners
Hardware Hashrate Database
IoT CPU Miners
Contact/Community Links
GitHub Libraries
- uPlexa Core
- uPlexa GUI
- uPlexa NodeJS Library
- uPlexa PHP Library
- uPlexa Python Library
- uPlexa Android Miner
- uPlexa Android Wallet
- Node CryptoNight Hashing with UPXTWO Support
- Toaster Miner